My Girl!

For the past week, I have been down and out with the flu...I'm talkin' death's doorstep here, KO'd on the couch and really grumpy!! I have been unable to eat much of anything let alone cook or bake for food posts, so I thought I would share some of my favourite photos of my girl!

Isabel is always happy and it makes me feel better when I see her toothy little smile...

...and her energy makes me a) jealous b) exhausted watching her and c) proud that she's my little ray of sunshine!

Sometimes, she has a quiet side and that's when you will find her curled up with a good book or patiently waiting for a trophy bullfrog to emerge from the water...

...concentrating on her tractor driving lessons from Daddy...

...or sneaking up on a butterfly...

...but mostly, you will find her bounding through a field,

...or screaming down the "rocket run" hill, having lots of fun...

...and faking an injury, so her poor mother has to carry the sled back to the top...and speaking of her poor mother, did I mention that I have been sick? Not that I'm looking for attention here people but I mean really sick...AND bored!! Maybe I am feeling a little better...okay, much better :)

...and this little face makes me smile...I love my girl!