Christmas Trees from the Back 40!

Last weekend, we decided to get a jump start on our Christmas decorating and head to the "back 40" to pick out our tree! Usually, we are knee deep in snow but this year it was more like Spring...I think I even heard some crickets chirping away in the field!

Living in the country, we usually have our choice of spots to pick out the perfect tree and this year, we headed to James' parent's place to nab one! We don't just get the first one we way, we head over the hills...

...across the river,

...and even stop to help Grandpa clear some stones for a tractor path through the woods...I was the photographer and Isabel, well...she was chatting,

and playing on the bale forks

...cause that's what country kids do!

Next, Isabel picked out her little tree that she wanted to decorate for her pets...

...and "hauled" it back over the hills and across the river...not really, she suckered Daddy into carrying it for her!

Then, rode off toward home with her Grandpa, hoping that her Granny had made her favourite Scottish oatmeal cookies...and before you think our Christmas decorating is like an episode from "Leave it to Beaver", I'll tell you that nobody is allowed to enter the room while I put the lights on the tree...I suffer from "pre-Christmas tree decorating traumatic stress syndrome" ain't pretty! Lol!