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Autumn in our neck of the Woods!

I don't know about you, but I love this time of year...I know, I say that about every season (except for extreme heat, which makes me violent), but honestly, we are so lucky here in Canada, to experience all four seasons!

We are fortunate enough to witness the sparkling snow covered landscape of winter, the beauty of a budding spring, the gentle breeze on summer grasses...and we are most definitely blessed by the brilliance of another autumn!

Everywhere you look, trees are awash with vibrant colour...

...turning the countryside into an autumn rainbow.

Glassy waters mirror their magnificent riverside borders...

...until seasonal winds leave branches bare and winding roads scattered with fallen leaves...

...which brings us to this!! What is fall without a pile of dead leaves to jump and play in?! I wish I could still sail through the air, as weightless as Isabel...I'm afraid my descent into those leaves would not be as graceful as hers! Enjoy this fleeting season while you can because everyone knows what is next...

...this!!! :)

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