Lazy Day Sweet Tea

Since today is Sunday and we finally have some nice weather, I thought I would make this refreshing drink to sip as we laze the rest of the day away...after the laundry is done, the meals are made and the grass is cut...this might be a night cap after all!
Here in Canada, we usually call this "iced tea" but today, I'm pretending that I am at some Southern plantation farmhouse, calling it "sweet tea"...somehow it makes it taste better!

I use decaffeinated tea bags for this because I'm not sure that I want my 8 year old swinging from the chandalier at 2am!

Start by putting 10 tea bags into a large tea pot (the above photo shows 5 tea bags but I just tossed them out there for the photo..that wasn't very helpful was it?!)

...add 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda and pour 4 cups of boiling water into pot (the baking soda helps to neutralize the tannins in the tea making it more smooth).

Put lid on and steep for about 10-15 minutes.

Remove tea bags (don't squeeze) and hang them out on the line to dry for later use...just kidding, I'm not that cheap!

Add a 1/2 cup of granulated sugar to the hot tea (you can use honey as well, but today, I'm going hardcore with straight up, white sugar!) can add more or less sugar if you like depending on your taste.

Stir until all of the sugar has dissolved and then add 8 cups of cold water...make sure you use a large tea pot or transfer it all into a large pitcher (I had to because I ran out of room).

See...told ya, I ran out of room...this is where I added the rest of the cold water.

I poured my sweet tea into these 60 ounce mason jars because they look like something the "Walton's" would use and they also have lids for handy storage in the fridge...add 2 slices of lemon to each jar.

Store in the fridge for several hours or until flavours have blended...

...and Bob's your Uncle...Lazy day sweet tea! Serve over ice and garnish with sprigs of mint...but only if you are trying to impress someone!
Lazy Day Sweet Tea
10 tea bags
4 cups of boiling water
1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda (which helps to tone down the bitterness sometimes caused by the tannins in the tea)
1/2 cup of sugar (add more or less depending on your taste)
8 cups of cold water
lemon slices (optional)
ice and mint leaves (optional for showing off)
1. In a large tea pot, add 10 tea bags, 1/4 of a teaspoon of baking soda and pour 4 cups of boiling water into pot, cover and steep for about 10-15 minutes, depending on your taste.
2. Remove tea bags (don't squeeze them out), add a 1/2 cup (or more if you like it sweet) of granulated sugar and stir until dissolved.
3. Transfer to a large pitcher and add 8 cups of cold water and lemon slices (if desired).
4. Store in the fridge for several hours or until the flavours have blended...serve over ice! Enjoy your lazy day!
* makes about 2 1/2 quarts of sweet tea