Happy Father's Day!
This is a post that I created and published last year for this particular occasion...every photo that I chose and every sentiment that I wrote, is exactly how I feel today...I thought I would share it again for anyone that didn't get to read it the first time 'round and for all of the proud daddies out there AND because I love it!
Father's Day...a day we recognize and give thanks for all of the wonderful men in our lives....whether it be your Dad, step father or that special person that has been your role model, mentor or just plain best friend...
...the teacher of important life skills, such as riding your bike, climbing trees, catching frogs...
... and master of "The Three Stooges" double, eye-gouge block.
Trophy minnow catcher...
...the 1950's "old school", vocal, white knuckled drivng instructor...warden of the engine oil levels in your car...official time keeper of the curfew...author of "close the door.. we aren't heating the neighbourhood!"..."quit your crying or I'll give you something to cry about" or "where do you think you're going with that hairdo?"...protector of his children and person who gives the best hugs...all of these paternal qualities make up one great Dad...
...and we wouldn't change a thing...Happy Father's Day!
...and if you are looking for that perfect dessert to make an "old school" Dad, here is a link for a recipe that just might fit the bill!